Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chapter XI: "The Two Little Souls"

"... there was once a soul named Lucinda. She lived in absolute bliss and awareness of the divine reality. She, along with every other soul lived amongst The Light.

Within this Kingdom of The Light, everyone was happy, for that was their very nature. They themselves were made of pure happiness and love. Beauty, innocence, harmony.. those were common and ever-abundant throughout. 

Lucinda was very content, but alas.. she became a bit sad. The King of The Light saw her subtle glow of tears glistening her cadmium eyes. He asked,

'Lucinda, oh blessed one.. what ever is the matter?'

'... I cannot explain it. I don't know if you'd understand. You see.. I know I am happy, I know I am loving and I know I am loved..'

'..Yes, you are my dear Lucinda. All is well and natural. Why then do you rain gently upon the skies of our neighboring Earth?'

'.. Mighty King.. you have given us all that we have.. absolute perfection, infinite resources of wisdom, comfort and magnificence. We are eternally grateful..  yet, I still find something out of place. It is a strangeness that I feel at the center of my chest. It pains me..'

'.. Allow me to simply rid you of that dilemma. There is no such element in this empire that I would allow upon my children. I shall banish it..'

'.. No. You don't understand. Forgive me, but it is in my difficulty of explaining to you clearly my symptoms. What begets me is that I know I am the light, I am love, I am eternity.. but I have no experience of it firsthand. It is all a concept within this lucid utopia..

I wish more than anything that I could experience myself as The Light!!'

'.. Ahh, young one...  you remind me greatly of a young soul, much like you.. he had the very same wish upon visiting my palace with his hands shaking in nerve. He knew himself as pure creation and love. He held close and dear all who surrounded him. He knew he was The Light, but that wasn't enough. He desired to fully experience himself as that Light. He wanted nothing more than to stand out and insinuate his individuation amongst The Kingdom of Light..'

'.. What happened..? What did you tell him..?'

'I told him what I am about to tell you, Lucinda.. forever shall I give you whatever request your precious soul asks of me. For you are a part of me and I of you. I love you all always, in all ways. From this source of infinite possibility shall I create a context for you.. a reality in which you, Lucinda may experience yourself as The Light.. there is one way to do this..'

'..Huh! Is this true..?! You will do this for me? You are able to create that? But how..?'

'.. The one way for you to know yourself as The Light.. is to become The Light. The only way to become The Light is to unbecome it first. You must forget who you are, so that you may remember and become it through the glorious journey I have invented called Life.'

'..Life? What is Life..?'

'Life is the paradigm of all that we are and all that we are not.. you see, once within this dual universe you shall for the first time have what is called a choice. Through this choice, you will be able to select your forthcoming. Your birthright will evolve from a simple dream to a much higher and deserving destiny upon which you will feel The All.'

'.. What is the other choice..? The one besides The Light..?'

'.. Lucinda, this will be your quest to uncover that. When you find that other half.. remember what I tell you now.. we are all part of The Light. All things stem from this eternal Love. Even what is not The Light is born from The Light. It is called Darkness. You shall encounter the one called Darkness.. when you do.. remember what I told you.. it is what I told the other soul in which I spoke of.. upon your darkest hour shall your seed of desired experience come to fruition. Then, shall you become The Light fully and embrace The Darkness.'

'King... I am ready.. to find that other soul.. If I am to lose my way, I shall remember your words. 
Now... allow me to forget.. so that I may.. find.. y o.. u......' 

.. and so, Lucinda went in search of the other soul, the one that would be appear before her as Darkness.."

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