Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chapter II: "The Wish"

Attaining his ultimate masterpiece upon this world, Sun made manifest his seed of Heaven, the highest expression of his love for all of life. He represented the people and reigned as Champion Creator and Guardian of Earth.

Countless people looked up to Sun. They were in awe of his brilliance and abundant joy. He was never seen without a smile on his face. His name indeed matched the source of it, the almighty sun in the sky. His people loved him so much that they called each newborn boy a “son”, in his honor.

After his legacy blossomed upon the soils of the Earth, Sun realized that even he had to set into the night. His life's circle would one day come round to its end. He dreaded the thought of leaving. His people meant too much to him to have them forgotten. He loved everyone with all his heart and found it agonizing to let them go.

One morning, Sun awoke to capture the sunrise. As his gaze caught the beacon of the horizon, he glanced up to the majestic sky and spoke,

“Oh wondrous herald that has blessed my eyes and guided my heart, won’t you hear me now? I thank you for the miracle of life and the witness of so many around me. I am in gratitude for all that was bestowed upon me, such as the hearts I have shared beauty and grace with. I am in awe of all that I have felt, the chapters I have witnessed, the dreams that have come true. I am compelled to ask of you a request. Please.. let me be a part of this forever.. allow me be with the people, the animals, the land, their beautiful culture and ways. Engrave my soul as one with theirs forever. They are a part of me, and I of them. I never wish to let go… I beg you, won’t you hear my call?”

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