Saturday, December 25, 2010

Chapter XVIII: "Forever More"

The Nether Dragon understood Sun’s request. It knew he was ready to complete his mission. It began to glow along with Sun in a dark array of newly felt shades of expansion and understanding. The colors were of such a nature that no one had ever witnessed before. They were bright yet glowed in a way that shadowed the nature of regular light. Sadness, anger, envy, yearning, loss, doubt, fear… these spectral representations all stemmed from Love. Surrounding the Guardian of Heaven and his newly tamed Divine Beast, they danced about announcing the new creation upon this world.

“… You are a part of me.. I denied you for so long. I did not understand you.. your ways.. your reasoning. It was all to help me. The only way I could help those who cried out was to know their hurt first hand. Now I have the solution. I am properly equipped to complete my purpose.. let us go now together and finish this. Let us create the next level of the highest idea we ever had of ourselves. Let us heal the hearts of those in distress at long last…

… Nether Dragon… release me.. I’m ready to go…"

The Nether Dragon along with its dark rainbow burst its dark light through Sun’s heart, shattering it and releasing the restraints placed upon it through his fears.

It was over…
The Nether Dragon’s purpose was complete..
as was Sun's.

Back on Earth…

Sun stepped forward a few steps. He stopped. Turning his head calmly he gazed upon his surroundings and took everything in. A deep breath taken and released. The corner of his eye caught his attention to the sight of a child sitting in the park drawing. He approached the child and sat down on the ground next to him.

He asked,
“What are you drawing there?”

The child replied,
“Well… I’m drawing what I would like to see come true.”

“… and what’s that?”

“My dream.”

Sun looked at the child’s drawing and saw a picture of a little boy and little girl playing in a field with a sunny sky.

“..So.. what is your dream, if I may ask..?”

“Umm.. I like playing and I like drawing. I like when its sunny and its nice outside. I just wish I had someone to play with. I’m drawing it out so that it will come true. We’ll have so much fun together. I can’t wait!”

“…May I ask.. What are these drawings of on the crumbled papers next to it..?”

“..Oh! Those won’t work. I needed to add a bright sun to the picture. Otherwise, she might not see me. It might be too dark outside without the sun. This way, I know she’ll find me... and if she still can’t find me.. then I’ll just make another drawing.. with a bigger sun! And if it gets dark, I’ll have to draw a big bright moon! Oh yes, I’m ready for that too. You have to think this all out, ya know?”

Sun smiled and stood to his feet.

“…That’s a great idea you got there. I think it’ll definitely work.”

“.. Yeah.. I think so, too. Well.. Goodbye, mister! Nice talking to you!”

Sun waved goodbye to the child. He walked far with delight all that day. He traveled to the very canyon upon which he first arrived.

(… God.. I’m ready….     
To go back to The Light… )

A flash of light burst throughout the horizon. Sun combusted into particles of color and matter which spread throughout the skies. It is said that an aurora of endless shades governed the heavens throughout that evening. Every flower gave off a sweet array of aromas to all who would receive it. Frowns turned to a hearty smile as warmth entered the hearts oh humanity that instant. Even if it was but for a moment... that moment was timeless and a much needed rekindling of truth for all. Many embraced hands and turned to their loved ones that night. They spoke of their fondest memories of their relationships. Friends reconciled any differences they had between them. Those who had longed for their significant other thought of their love and felt forgiveness in their hearts. Every tear flowed out of love and appreciation for life’s greatest gifts and endless abundance of unforgettable experiences.

…Sun had completed his mission. Heaven was remembered during that hour of twilight in each and every being belonging to Earth. He managed to shine with the help of every soul who had lived and traveled with Sun throughout many lifetimes, being reborn and forgetting over and over so that they might re-experience themselves as The Light. 

(I have kept my promise to you as I always will. You are alive through the hearts of every soul in which you love so dearly, as they love you the same. For you are all one and a part of the sanctity that I am: Love. We are with you always.. In all ways.. And now forever in new ways.. I love you. Rest, my son.. My Sun.)

…As the evening drew near, every eye was upon the skies as the sun slowly set into its slumber beyond the mountaintop..
.. a Heaven no more..
.. now, a Heaven forever more..

A red feather fell from the heavens and gently grazed the ground..

The other little soul smiled.

Chapter XVII: "Dark Hour"

the light… 
the dark… 

.. all memories, feelings, experiences… here and now… the good… the bad… the healing… the hurt… 

My darkest hour… it has arrived."

The realm around Sun was enveloped by a mist which shrouded his vision and sense of location. All that was guiding him forward were his feelings of all that lead to this moment. The infinite now was ever present.

“God… why am I here? How did I get to this point? Why can’t I get through this? I don’t know what to do anymore…”

"You do know what to do. -----, my son… my almighty Sun! Do you remember the story of the two little souls..?"

“Yes… yes, I do.”

"Do you remember the purpose for why the two angels ventured into life to play their respective roles...?"

“Yes.. it was to fulfill their wish.. their birthright of experiencing themselves as The Light. To do so, they had to encounter and embrace The Dark.......”

In that holy instant it had dawned upon Sun. All his lives flashed before him in a flash. It allowed him to see the big picture. Why all that he went through, all the hurt, all the love meant… why he lived through it and what its purpose was.

“… I am that other soul…”

Tears flowed from Sun’s eyes.
His broken heart which had been shattered for so long began to once again glow… 
all the pieces of it gathered around him…
They emanated the many shades of the rainbow which represented each endeavor of his life. There was good behind all these experiences which he initially thought were bad. He realized they were blessed opportunities all along which allowed him to grow.

Each hurt was a gem which reflected the joy found within its memory and lesson.

“God… you sent me nothing but angels. Thank you…”

"In your darkest hour did you wish to ultimately know yourself as well as the extent of your prowess. You came to me once as that little soul and asked how bright could you shine as The Light. You wished to not only know that you are the light, but to live it first hand in the highest sense. I came up with the idea that we would surround you with what you are not, so that you could truly stand out to contrast yourself and thus feel it fully. All that was needed was a volunteer to play the role of The Dark. Who would be your Dark Messenger? A brave soul stepped forward.. she volunteered so that you would fulfill your quest. The only thing in return she asked was that you remember her as who she truly is… 


“My God… 
My love… 
Thank you. 
Oh, brave soul which loved me unconditionally.. You did this for me.. I will never forget you! Though you may not remember or believe me, I promise to always cherish you in my heart and love you the same! Thank you… thank you from the bottom of my heart for your greatest gift to me… the opportunity that I may experience ourselves as Love.”

"… Sun..."


The seven lights of Sun’s trials served as his guide toward his final destination. From the abyss of the shadows arose The Divine Beast of the Dark...

The Nether Dragon.

It formed from the dark light that symbolized Sun's trials upon his return to Earth. Its hide was revealed through the gems of his life’s pains which crystallized and allowed him to see the awesomeness of this titan. At its heart was Sun's very heart, refined and forged anew as the innocence preserved throughout his endeavor. It served as the drive for this massive serpent. At the foot of the dragon was the Dark Messenger herself… Lucinda.

Cloaked in black, Sun no longer feared her nor any of his moments in life which brought him sadness, anger or grief. He faced them head on and smiled. He felt so overwhelmed by love and appreciation of all the wondrous gifts endowed upon him throughout the ages. He never dreamed he could experience a whole other dimension of acceptance. Indeed, this lovely angel brought Sun a new palette with which to paint the highest version of his sought after vision.

The Nether Dragon roared an immense cry that echoed through the heart and soul of Sun and Lucinda. For so long, Sun had feared this beast which he thought had a tight grip on his heart. He saw it a different way now…

his heart was always in good hands.

“I realize… my heart was meant to be broken. This was the only way to release all that was contained in it. Thank you, kind soul. I have to ask you… though I know you may never remember me or any of this.. Why did you do this for me..?”

"…Simple.. Because I love you..
Sun.. for so long you have been the unconditional light which shined upon us all. You held us dear to you, even when we let you go.. when we forgot you. You did not neglect us ultimately, nor did you do so to your pain. You held an honorable relationship with it, no matter what the cost. Though you lost your sights along the way, never did your vision die. You wanted to know first hand what the love in your heart felt, what we went through, how to heal us. Dearest Sun, you are a true Guardian.. but who has guarded over you during your time of need? 

I will always be there for you. This story of your journey, it inspired me to no end to take it upon myself and find you. You are brave and relentless in your endeavors in this universe. This touched me eternally. I decided that for me to know myself as The Light, I too would have to shroud myself in Darkness. My concern was that I knew you had become The Dark as well.. in doing so, we might never find each other. Yet here we are.. you did the impossible.. you created The Dark Light.. a new hope for those who hurt.. a new way to heal.. by embracing pain as a beauty and understanding in this thing called life. Seek me no more.. I am here for you, with you.. forever, Sun.

I love you."

“…I promise you.. On all that I am, all that I was and all that I ever will be.. I will never forget you. I will always remember you as you truly are and what you did for me. Whether it takes lifetimes over, I will know your soul, for it is a part of mine. Angel… blessed soul of kindness and compassion.. Thank you. I’ll always love you. 

Lucinda... you never gave up on me.. I pray here and now that when the time is right, you will remember me.. and I you.. for my new wish is to be with you as well as the people.. always.. all ways..”

“… I am The Light….     
...I am even The Dark…    
...Nether Dragon, come to me.. Slay this heart at long last. Bleed with me as one. All that played the role to help this old Guardian realize who he truly is.. to all that gave me back to myself..  to all that have relinquished their memory for a higher purpose.. I understand and remember fully now… I embrace you all.. the loves of my life… 

forever more...”

Chapter XVI: "Encounter"

 “Alex… Void.”

“Sun… -----.”

“Seems fitting that I’m here now paying you a visit on your own turf. Nice place you got.”

“So, you made it after all. I had my doubts, but then again.. you are the greatest this planet’s seen. I knew it then, and I see it now still. That’s why I made it my mission to face you again one day and take your title. I want to beat the best, and you’re it. It sweetens the deal to see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve faced, but I see it in your eyes.. I know it's true even if you deny it. You’ve lost yourself. You’re strong, Sun. You're beyond capable of holding your own against the highest forces in the world… but you've lost that something that I saw in you so long ago.”

“… I once loved every person... every heart... every soul that encountered my life. It didn’t matter who they were or what they believed in. I always had faith in them and gave them all my love, unconditionally. When you came to my Sanctuary and showed me Sorrow… I felt compelled and indebted to help heal the pain in everyone’s heart. I wanted nothing more than to see a smile on their face again. I wanted them to be happy... to live up to their full potential. I promised them all, each and every one of them to always be with them... to watch over them. It was my purpose, my happiness... my greatest joy to be one with the beings of this Earth. I came back for them… and they hurt me. They abandoned me. They even in a sense betrayed me. I’m not perfect, I admit. But… I would never imagine hurting someone, let alone someone I loved. Even that… I ended up doing. I don’t know what I am anymore or what I'll become. For the first time in my life, I don’t know my purpose. I’ve lost my will… to go on. I never felt such anguish and pain before. I never dreamed of such an existence. I… never thought that I might give up on everyone. They don’t care… not about me and not about changing. They were never crying out for me. The world’s changed in such a long time. I was naïve to think that they needed me as a “savior”. It’s a sad world. One where compassion is nearly extinct, where unconditional acts are unheard of, where creativity is suppressed by fear and lack of determination. Love has been lost and manipulated for personal gain. It is now a tool of deception to hurt those who might hurt you. We are all diseased with this innate fear to hurt each other, to push others aside to get ahead... to use others for our own twisted delusions. This is what I am champion of. You were right back then, Alex… this truly is the result of my people. I should’ve done more to help them, but it’s too late. I wasn’t there. Now.. no one even believes in me. Not even me... it’s over.”

“… You may be right about the state of the world, -----. I understand your outlook on things... I even sympathize with your circumstance, believe it or not. What I won’t accept and will never believe, no matter how many lifetimes we go through, is that it’s over. I know one thing to be true: You are pure of heart. Whether it be of the light, the very Heaven you created... or whether you decide to represent the darkest catacombs within your soul… I know you will prevail. You know why? You may not believe it right now, or never again... but the truth is… you are above Heaven and Hell, Sun! You are still the Sun who took my best head on, The Envoy of Hell’s most powerful efforts and withstood it! You went through Hell to keep your promise to those you loved and risked it all without concern for yourself. That to me, is more exemplary of unconditional love than anything I’ve seen lately. Your hopes may be lost, but I tell you this: As powerful as we may be we can’t do two things. We can’t change anyone... and we can’t give up on ourselves, ‘cuz then the game’s over. This may be your darkest hour, so I invite you to truly test who you are in this moment here and now. Faced with all that is inside of you, the culmination of all emotion, thought and memory... every purpose, promise, feeling and creation throughout infinity… are you ready to show to the world and to yourself who you truly are?! How powerful can the sun shine, -----…? The world may have forgotten about you… but I have faith in you. Yes. It changed me. Heaven was my greatest experience and grandest hope to fulfill my dreams and myself. 

Face the poison within… and conquer this, once and for all...”

Chapter XV: "Overcast"

Sun…  -------- … Earth’s Champion… Guardian of Heaven,

Present Day, 2010...

A gray overcast glooms the city of New York, as Sun walks expressionless towards his destination.
With every step taken and every rain drop descended upon the granite, he is reminded of all that has transpired within his lives.

His appearance is by far of a cocooned emergence. His once bright aura now emits a shadowy spectrum. His eyes sharpened and beat, his attire posed as a wanderer of the night... his demeanor shot down and distorted.

Sun has lost his light. He was emanating a newly acquired dark chakra. His soul seemed to echo the untamed scream of a thousand tortured memories. This newly cast Sun still gave off an insurmountable energy. His black light enveloped his very stride wherever his encounter lead him.

(“Where are you…? I know you’re near…)

Sun searches for the one who took him to his limits…
The one that was the cause for his embark upon this mission…
The soul which exposed Sun to understand first hand what Hell is…


Chapter XIV: "Remembering"

Our beloved wanderer, Sun was born again on August 5th, 1986 A.D.

His name is Ramon Trif. In this age, it is very common to have a first and last name. Many times, even a middle name is given.

He was born in the country called Romania, which is part of the continental land mass known as Europe.
Born last and considered an unexpected late birth at his mother’s age of 43, he is the youngest sibling beside his two brothers and sister.

His mother, a pure voice, enjoyed a memorable career of singing during her years in Romania.
His father, an athlete for a number of years as a soccer player as well as a singer, bass guitar player and refined illustrator.

God, the new name given to The Light had guided his soul towards a family of talent and humbly rooted forth comings. They had a fine respect for life and its simplicity.

By the age of 9 months, Ramon travels with his family to America, the land of opportunity, as its moniker states.

At the age of 3 he picks up a crayon and begins his first drawing. He grows attached to this feeling of goodness that sprouts in his little heart. He states then and there to his mother,

"I will grow up to be an artist. I will keep drawing and drawing. I love it."
She smiles and nods in approval.

As Ramon grew up he witnessed and experienced common hardships every family might face on present day Earth. He passes the time with his unfathomed interest in cartoons, characters, action figures and heroes witnessed on television, books and other media.

At the age of 6, Ramon loses his father who would draw with him, due to a heart attack. He is exposed for the first time to death. He cries in mourning for the first time.

A few years later, he is witness to what Sun would call back then Earth’s current champion… a painter named Bob Ross.

A titan in terms of instant creation and maneuvering the elements. He was the cause for the widespread education of skill, application and love. Ramon gains his second role model in art, his father being the first.

Ramon goes through his experience of school. He makes friends.. they come and go. His body begins to ripen along with his mind. He is still not ready yet to remember, however. The trigger has not yet set off.

During high school Ramon falls in love for the first time… he refers to her as The Moon.

The reason being was that their love was one hidden in shadow due to racial and religious non-acceptance. This misunderstanding caused the two to love each other from afar. Their love was indeed like an eclipse. The Sun, bearing his light upon The Moon. The day came though when they had to set into the night.

Established at college, Ramon encounters a soon to be very familiar face and third role model in art,
Alex Mercado.

Ramon meets his second love relationship. He refers to her as The Sunflower. The two held a pure and free love. This was Sun's first open love relationship and the happiest he had ever been. He swore the two would belong together for the rest of their lives, but sadly they did not stay together. Sun was not strong enough to help guide the pain in her heart towards healing. This is his first encounter with guilt and denial. He thinks of her often, but is clouded and holds shame in his weakness of letting her go. 

The courses of life unfold more and more..  finding one's place career-wise, getting by financially, family, relationships, keeping up with passions in life, discovering yourself.. all that which Sun's people had gone through and continue to do so, hit him full force. What grieves Ramon the most is his observation of seeing people at their worst with their hurtful tendencies. He sadly sees that he too, is a part of it.

Ramon begins to reclaim an ancient conscience as he seeks guidance towards truth from a higher source… something within him begins to awaken. He decides to search an answer to his inquiry.

Ramon falls greatly in love with another woman shortly after his prior breakup. They are madly in love with each other. Though she is contained with fear from prior hurtful and misunderstood relationships, Ramon is determined to help heal her by exposing the pain within to confront and rid her of it. He fails in doing so and in return is greatly hurt. He is struck with an immense guilt of letting someone down. For the first time ever, Sun experiences failure. He is unable to help someone and along the way damages her more. Sun falls into deep pain and depression.

His dark trials begin.

After months of suffering and trauma Ramon remembers he is Sun and recalls his mission to help the people of Earth. After gaining perspective, he sees where he was in Heaven and where he is now. He begins to observe what light and dark truly is.

Sun knows what he must do now to complete his mission and keep his promise. He must complete the dark trials and execute the grandest vision seen yet to date upon this Earth. Through his many life times was he readying himself, waiting patiently.. all the while culminating the right energy to complete the next creation.

That little soul from long ago now ventures far from what he has known...  into the dark…  to find himself and recapture what is needed to bring the people of Earth back to themselves…  

... as well as himself.

Chapter XIII: "Burden"

Meanwhile, atop The Sanctuary…

Journey, Heaven’s Herald keeps peace and order as acting Guardian while Sun is away. He is unaware that Sun has begun his life anew to aid his quest in understanding the change of Earth’s people.

“Where is Sun..? I sense him, yet I cannot place my eyes upon him. Perhaps this is part of his plan. I must not worry. My focus should be on maintaining Heaven’s sanctity, so that Sun will not be burdened. Oh, but how can I not worry when I know not where he is?! What if he has fallen ill? What if he is in need of us, but cannot contact us? I cannot send the Colossus down. It would cause a disturbance, and Sun clearly stated that he is to remain atop Heaven’s domain. What if that Hell’s Envoy did indeed deceive Sun? .. I cannot stand by while this troubling feeling stirs within me. I must see what the matter is about. “

“Colossus! I must head down to uncover Sun’s whereabouts. I fear that he may be in need of assistance. I cannot locate him upon Earth, but I do sense his energy slightly. You are to protect and watch over Heaven. I will be as brief as possible."

The Colossus roared abruptly in disagreement to Journey’s plan.

“Please, understand that I do fear the worst. I know what Sun’s orders were, however that is liable to change in a delicate situation like this. We cannot remain without action. He may be in peril.”

Though still not in full agreement, the Colossus decided to go along with Journey’s plan and assume the role of protector. He understood Journey's reasoning, so it was decided.

“I will make haste, trusted Colossus! I promise!”

(“I should seek Void. I am almost certain that he has something to do with Sun’s whereabouts. I feel uneasy about him. He is quite the disturbing fellow. He makes me nervous.”)

New York City.. night time. Journey materializes unnoticed upon Earth. It is 1986 a.d. according to the human Western society’s calendar.

“.. Ahh… amazing! What breathtaking scenery! So these are the monumental ‘skyscrapers’ upon which the other angels chimed about. Marvelous… I wonder if Sun has yet to witness these new creations..? Ah yes! Sun! My bewilderment of this city has lead me astray from my purpose. I must begin my search. Let us see… where do I sense your energy coming from, Void…?”

Bryant Park… a moonlit night, clear and crisp.

Amongst the illuminated silhouettes of the park’s trees does the midnight sky hold Sanctuary to Void, Hell's forefather. Within this domain does he often come to resonate and focus upon his evolution and expansion.

“…Heh. Is this who I think it is..? Well, well.. funny seeing you here in my neck of the woods. No pun intended. What can I help you with?”

“Void… much time has passed. I am here to inquire of Sun’s whereabouts. I cannot locate him anywhere. I know he is amongst us on Earth, yet I cannot pinpoint him. I hope for your sake that there are no tricks being manipulated by you..”

“Ha…  Really? You came all this way just to accuse me of something so ridiculous?! Listen, pal.. Don’t you think that if I wanted to get rid of Sun that I would’ve just done so?! You wouldn’t be sensing his energy then! And besides, that’s not what I want. Why would I destroy Sun when I’m looking to one day challenge and defeat his reign?!”

“….. Hmm… you make a valid a point.”

“Yeah, sure… listen, I know you don’t like me. You don’t trust me. I could care less. I’ll give you some parting words though before you go. If I were Sun.. I might want to start over in life. After all… he’s been around for so long. I would imagine it gets boring being within the same vessel for so damn long. He probably got tired and started the game over, so to speak. I do that sometimes with my drawings. If I get sick of the same ideas, I start from scratch. Think about that while you scurry about, and come back with something worthwhile next time.”

“…. (how rude..)… very well, Void. Just be aware that if you are up to any misdeeds, I’ll have the Colossus after you.. Heaven will not stand for any injustice upon those pure of heart!”

“… little messenger… you have a lot to learn about what purity is. See you around.”

With little avail, Journey returns to Heaven’s gates.

“I am back, Colossus. I see all is well. A job well done guarding The Sanctuary! I was unable to locate Sun, alas I did gain some valuable information. I feel that all we may do now is be patient and have faith in Sun. He always knows best. We must trust in his intentions. I am sure he is well.”

(“Could it be that Void’s suggestion is a possibility? Sun, agreeing to be reborn and start his life once more to re-experience everything from child-hood into adulthood and beyond? But, what of his memories?! I’ve heard that almost every soul decides to relinquish their memories and start their experience all over from the beginning. I never quite understood the purpose, but it is true that this is the trend of souls nowadays. Perhaps Sun did start over as well… but why?”)

“I tire myself with these contemplations. I should not worry. Sun knows in his heart what is right. I trust in him. May The Light watch over him and guide him towards his goal. We all pray for you, Sun…”

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chapter XII: "Beginnings"

“A profound tale indeed. Something puzzles me however. Who was that other soul Lucinda searches for..? Why did she go to such lengths to find someone on his own destiny..?"

“Patience, young one… you will understand in due time. For now, it is time I reveal to you my aid in your quest..”

“Very well.."

“The world as you remember it has changed dramatically. It is unlike what you have encountered. All you know is the light. Since your time, other elements were called forth and utilized for a higher purpose. That purpose and vision however has been lead astray. The people are lost. They are love.. they are all the light.. but they have forgotten along the way. I believe your pledge to them complements their inner cry for truth. The calling for sincerity, compassion, guidance and understanding resonates loudly. The way for you to remind them is to expose yourself from the very beginning to what they have. Sun… If you will trust in me, then I shall guide you back to the beginning, to the roots of where you left off. I will have you experience the miracle of being born again, the wonder of growing up from child into adult, and all the glorious gems life offers. Your memory will be relinquished until you reach adulthood. Then, it shall resurface and be available to you again. You will know who you truly are. This is the only way that you may experience what humankind has. This will equip you with the proper tools in aiding the lost souls of this planet. What say you? You are free to choose your destiny from here on. Nothing is ever required of you.  It is your decision, as you are free in every sense.”

“I see. This is a brilliant plan. It is much like Lucinda agreed to. I see why you shared that story with me now. Very well, if I will indeed remember myself and my plan, then yes. I trust it will evolve my efforts to help what I currently do not fully grasp. I have one sole request.. upon my remembering of who I am, I ask that you would answer my question earlier about the story.”

“By then you will not need me to give it to you. You will already have it. Just stay on path with your intentions, my Sun.”

 “The road ahead, no matter how dark its way.. no matter how affected you become.. remember…  you are the light…  you are loved, dear Sun.”

“I am eternal in my awe for you, splendid light.”

“I am ready.”

Memories, emotions, thoughts, desires, love.. a promise. It all surged in a holy instant as light surrounded Sun. He was enveloped with every divine color imaginable as his being rapidly dissolved into trillions of particles, all representing his totality of being since his birth. Reaching the highest intensity of white luster, Sun… Guardian of the Heavens and the Earth.. the son of a nation.. for the first time ever in his soul’s span of continuance, returned…

to start over.

Chapter XI: "The Two Little Souls"

"... there was once a soul named Lucinda. She lived in absolute bliss and awareness of the divine reality. She, along with every other soul lived amongst The Light.

Within this Kingdom of The Light, everyone was happy, for that was their very nature. They themselves were made of pure happiness and love. Beauty, innocence, harmony.. those were common and ever-abundant throughout. 

Lucinda was very content, but alas.. she became a bit sad. The King of The Light saw her subtle glow of tears glistening her cadmium eyes. He asked,

'Lucinda, oh blessed one.. what ever is the matter?'

'... I cannot explain it. I don't know if you'd understand. You see.. I know I am happy, I know I am loving and I know I am loved..'

'..Yes, you are my dear Lucinda. All is well and natural. Why then do you rain gently upon the skies of our neighboring Earth?'

'.. Mighty King.. you have given us all that we have.. absolute perfection, infinite resources of wisdom, comfort and magnificence. We are eternally grateful..  yet, I still find something out of place. It is a strangeness that I feel at the center of my chest. It pains me..'

'.. Allow me to simply rid you of that dilemma. There is no such element in this empire that I would allow upon my children. I shall banish it..'

'.. No. You don't understand. Forgive me, but it is in my difficulty of explaining to you clearly my symptoms. What begets me is that I know I am the light, I am love, I am eternity.. but I have no experience of it firsthand. It is all a concept within this lucid utopia..

I wish more than anything that I could experience myself as The Light!!'

'.. Ahh, young one...  you remind me greatly of a young soul, much like you.. he had the very same wish upon visiting my palace with his hands shaking in nerve. He knew himself as pure creation and love. He held close and dear all who surrounded him. He knew he was The Light, but that wasn't enough. He desired to fully experience himself as that Light. He wanted nothing more than to stand out and insinuate his individuation amongst The Kingdom of Light..'

'.. What happened..? What did you tell him..?'

'I told him what I am about to tell you, Lucinda.. forever shall I give you whatever request your precious soul asks of me. For you are a part of me and I of you. I love you all always, in all ways. From this source of infinite possibility shall I create a context for you.. a reality in which you, Lucinda may experience yourself as The Light.. there is one way to do this..'

'..Huh! Is this true..?! You will do this for me? You are able to create that? But how..?'

'.. The one way for you to know yourself as The Light.. is to become The Light. The only way to become The Light is to unbecome it first. You must forget who you are, so that you may remember and become it through the glorious journey I have invented called Life.'

'..Life? What is Life..?'

'Life is the paradigm of all that we are and all that we are not.. you see, once within this dual universe you shall for the first time have what is called a choice. Through this choice, you will be able to select your forthcoming. Your birthright will evolve from a simple dream to a much higher and deserving destiny upon which you will feel The All.'

'.. What is the other choice..? The one besides The Light..?'

'.. Lucinda, this will be your quest to uncover that. When you find that other half.. remember what I tell you now.. we are all part of The Light. All things stem from this eternal Love. Even what is not The Light is born from The Light. It is called Darkness. You shall encounter the one called Darkness.. when you do.. remember what I told you.. it is what I told the other soul in which I spoke of.. upon your darkest hour shall your seed of desired experience come to fruition. Then, shall you become The Light fully and embrace The Darkness.'

'King... I am ready.. to find that other soul.. If I am to lose my way, I shall remember your words. 
Now... allow me to forget.. so that I may.. find.. y o.. u......' 

.. and so, Lucinda went in search of the other soul, the one that would be appear before her as Darkness.."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chapter X: "Farewell for Now"

Sun had descended upon the soils of his home planet after so long. Alongside him was the ever grand Colossus. They made sure to land in an uninhabited area. The crimson- hued canyons were Sun’s first sight upon landing from the heavens. A swarm of memories rushed through his being as he took it all in. 

“… My home. It is so good to feel you again. Ah, to behold the sights of your majesty, the sweet breeze of your Summer's delight. We are well served that no one is around. Our place of landing was wise, my giant friend. It still puzzles me how you manage to avoid being seen all this time, I commend you nonetheless. I must convey something to you, my trusted companion. This weighs heavily on my heart, but it is something that must be done. We must part ways for now. I must go this alone. In order to truly reach those who are in need of my assistance, I must not alarm them in any way. According to Journey’s counsel, if any were to see you and I associated, it would greatly shock them and thwart our efforts. I know that your concern lies in protecting me, but fear not.. I will be fine. I want you to return to The Sanctuary and assist Journey with whatever he may need. Please heed my request. It is for the best. I do not know when I shall return, but I promise to see you again. I will surely miss you. I want to thank you for always watching over me and being a true friend. I could never forget you, nor will I. We are friends forever…  almighty Colossus, farewell… for now.”

With a melancholic roar of and compliance, the Colossus spread his wings and returned to Heaven.

“Night approaches.. I should take refuge and embark first thing in the morning.”

Just as Sun had descended, so did the day. Morning light awoke him, signaling the first day into his investigation of Void's message.

(.. “I am all alone now. Where to begin..? What to do..? I would be wise in seeking guidance before I begin.”)

(.. “Eternal light… everlasting love.. immortal truth.. I call upon you. It is I.. Sun. I beseech your wisdom and ask for your help. Whether it be channeled through my thoughts, as an emotion in my heart or by a sign embedded upon these lands.. I stand here in wait, open and ready for your response.”)

A sudden glow of celestial light began to orbit the sky. Undoubtedly, this was Sun's answer…

(“ ... My dear Sun... I am aware of your return to Earth and your concern for the people. It would be in your best interest, if you are to truly help those who cry out in pain that you understand them first. Your promise I shall remember beyond eternity... It is to always be with the ones you love. In order to uphold that you would best experience first hand what they feel and create as their life, day after day. You must understand their thought process and why they make the decisions they make repeatedly... for it affects their outcome and destiny... You must remember that all choices and actions are stemmed from two prime seeds: love or fear. What their purpose are is not always understood, but allow me if you will to guide you towards the path in which you ask. Sun, I have a story to tell you.. Would you have interest in hearing it..?”)

(".. Indeed.. I trust in its purpose. ”)

(“Very well. This is the story of…

 the two little souls…”)

Chapter IX: "Elapse"

Ages had passed since Sun inhabited Earth. He was filled with an enormous excitement upon rejoining his place of birth and his brethren. Advised by his trusted friend, Journey, he concealed his identity, as to not startle those around him. Sun did not realize at first, but much time had elapsed. Due to the time line of history unfolded, his appearance as an angel would surely startle everyone.

    “For what reasoning am I to conceal my wings and identity..? I am Earth’s Champion. Surely, they will rejoice in our reacquainting. I do not understand.”

    “Your honorable Sun, I am most clear in your love for the lives of those on Earth. However, you must consider an appropriate perspective upon your venture. The hearts of those you have touched during your time are indeed eternal, but this is not so of their minds and bodies. They have not chosen the path of preservation. They have long passed and started their lives anew. They will not remember you. Nor will they accept you so easily as what we know you as. You see, your story throughout countless generations was engraved as a timeless legend, yet as those souls passed over time your record became parable. Most would not believe of your existence after so long. If they did in fact witness you in your true element, they might react out of misunderstood fear. For this reason I plead for you to take precaution.”

    "… I see. My ascension to The Sanctuary has been all that I know so long. The light.. this is what I have become. ‘Twas my dream and fruition of my innermost passion. Perhaps I have forgotten the contrast of what brilliance is. I feel this is why Void has came to me. He brought more than a challenge upon entering these gates. He was conveying a message. I see that now. Void, you are more than what meets the eye. I understand now, Journey. Thank you for your guidance and wisdom. I am clear in my actions. I will take heed."

    "… All is clear now. The faces of those distraught on Void’s Sorrow. They were not of my time. They are of the present day Earth. Could it be that they have forgotten the ways of their hearts and of their love for creating..? It does tie together with Journey’s theory. If this is so then I must remember my promise to them, for it was one I vowed to keep forever. I am always here for you, kind souls. My love is endless for you, for I remember all that was blessed upon me from your gentle words and unforgettable kindness. Earth, do not fear.. I shall make haste... "

    .. And so, our prized guardian ventures on with a sole purpose to answer Earth’s cry of help.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Chapter VIII: "Return"

(I was left in a state of bewilderment. For so long I had prayed for a challenge.. for that element to take me back to my peak of glory. I could never have imagined such a powerful answer, coupled with a sparked interest. I cannot shake his words off my mind… 

“..this is the result of your people… sorrow.”

Hell’s Envoy, Void… he not only answered my call for inspiration, but left me with a deep concern for Earth’s people. I swore to always be with them… to watch over them.. To be there for them. They all looked upon me and opened their hearts to love.. to life. If it is true that sorrow begets them, I must not ignore them in their time of darkness. I must go back.. )

    Heaven and Hell’s creators, both champions of their respective times on Earth, brilliantly exhibited why they were the best at their element. Both driven by passion, but with different perspectives exposed their ultimate artistic powers in a display that shook the very foundations of Heaven. Determined to once again face Sun, Void promised to return to Earth and raise to the next level… and claim his dream- ultimate victory. As did Sun have a new purpose now. Besides keeping his word to Void by training to keep up with him, Sun felt uneasy about the message sent by The Sorrow. He has decided to return to Earth after so long and make sure his people are well. This, after all was Sun’s promise, his will, his very purpose… to forever love those who gave him their hearts during his life on Earth. Our two opposing forces now bound by a common destiny. Earth-bound and ready for what awaits them.

“Sire! Will this be sufficient for your quest?”

“Ah, Journey, this will definitely do. I thank you.”

“Are you certain of embarking back to Earth..? What if peril lies beyond the horizon? What if this ‘Envoy of Hell' is tricking you..?”

“… I sensed purity in his words.. and… something else. I can’t explain it, but I saw.. nay I even felt such an immense aura upon witnessing the faces of woe from his beast's reflections. I sensed truth in his speech. I appreciate your concern, but I must go. ‘Tis my duty. Do not worry, my friend. I will be fine. Besides, I won’t be alone…”

    As Sun gazed up, with those words his trusted companion descended from atop The Sanctuary. He was ready to part with Heaven’s Guardian.

“You need not worry, good Herald. With The Colossus alongside I am more than safe. I hereby entrust Heaven’s Sanctuary in your safekeeping while I am away. Look after it with your honest heart and clear mind. I have the utmost faith in you, my friend. Watch over the souls of Heaven, its creations, and the sanctity of its peace. You may reach me at the instance of a mere thought. I will be there if you need me. light be with you. 'Till we meet again.. farewell.”

“… Bode well, Guardian.. I wish you good fortune upon your travels. I will do my best to uphold The Sanctuary while you are away. Sun… may Heaven’s will guide you. We will all pray for you.."

“Thank you to all… love be with you…”

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chapter VII: "Divine Draw"

Heaven’s Colossus and Hell’s Sorrow met eye to eye as the two opposing giants clashed. light and dark intertwined as both deities unleashed their artistic energies into a cyclone of outstanding performance! Both spirits gave their all, each experiencing a complementary force. This was at long last what Sun and Void had yearned for… this indeed was… Heaven at last. 

    “Unbelievable! Envoy… you surely gave me Hell! I admire and merit your powers and hold them as my equal! You gave my Colossus all that he could handle. Truly spectacular!”

    “I am at dismay to admit, though I failed to topple your reign and trump you, Sun. You are indeed without rival. It has been a long and arduous path, but the day has come that I have met my match! I am in gratitude, but do not let that mistake my intention. We will meet again one day, one life, one more time. When that moment arrives I will be stronger, better, and evolved.. Ready to take you on and defeat you! This is my new purpose. My eternal merit to you, Sun.. you have motivated me to move on beyond the nonsense of this era. Now I am doubtless of who I am. I have decided. I will return to Earth. I will not allow anyone to guide this horse to water. I shall be the source of my own thirsts upon this unfolding eternity. This.. is the promise of the everlasting hollow. 'Till we meet again, Sun…”

    “Farewell, my friend..”

    “Void… we will meet again. This I promise.”

    After an extraordinary exchange of titanic display, Sun bade farewell to his answered prayer, the one called Void. He took Sun to his limits and showed him a new element of mastery. This stirred something inside of him which he had not felt in so long. Sun was inspired to return to Earth. There he would not only rematch Void, but also observe what he spoke of. Sun was concerned that agony was in the hearts of those he loved. He swore to always watch over them and maintain his spread of Heaven in their hearts.

    “Dear friend and mighty Colossus! I commend your illustrious efforts! Now, let us go… we have much to do. I am concerned for our people. We must see what the matter is about. Embark we will, back to our place of origin… 


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chapter VI: "Sorrow"

“I ascended to your palace to challenge your creative prowess. I am here to shatter my limitations and prove to all that I can surpass judgment and stand by my works. I will silence their criticism once and for all. In fact, I shall embrace them more so after this is over. Sun… you may harness unheard of levels of brilliance and happiness. Allow me to show you the other side.. Embracing the pain, this is my greatest tool and grandest experience. Are you ready…?” 

“You are indeed what I have waited for, but would never have expected. Yes, I am ready. Show me your Hell… and allow me to introduce you to my Heaven, alongside with my most powerful symbol of creation… as well as my trustworthy companion… ARISE, OH MIGHTY COLOSSUS!!”

    The skies roared and the foundation of The Sanctuary trembled as Sun called forth the almighty legendary divine beast, The Colossus! What a sight to behold! This mammoth of a being towered over mountains, scaled with ancient ornament which protected his already massive frame. With angelic-like wings, it hovered over Heaven, casting its eclipse upon the arena. Elusive in its presence, it was the cause for the mysterious phenomena occurring on Earth. Though monumental in size, The Colossus had speed beyond any known creature of its size to be spotted easily.

    “Envoy of Hell, behold the symbol of all my strength, honor, and endless love! Alongside with my Colossus we shall show you our new level of divine expression!”

    “I have to say, you are more than what I bargained for. You truly live up to your legend. This… now, THIS is what I was after.. A challenge! I will enjoy taking on your Colossus!”

    As soon as Hell’s forefather finished his last word, darkness filled the halls of Heaven. It surfaced all the way to the canopy of its highest altars. Then... it gathered, culminating together and manifesting into something of an unknown entity. Sun’s eyes widened with awe. Never in his legacy had he seen anything like this before. It felt like something of another dimension. The darkness rose and grew in size. It matched the size of The Colossus, then materialized to its final form. Its limbs were formed of skulls from those fallen of Void's time. It spawned wings composed of those distraught who had experienced great pain and heartbreak. Sun was filled with a haunting chill throughout his being. He recalled seeing similar faces on Earth during his time. These were the souls he had reached through his art work. The Envoy of Hell had captured their torment and manipulated its emotion into this fallen angel of dismay.

    “This… oh mighty angel of Heaven is my very own titan… it is the result and offspring of love and disappointment emoted by the denizens of our planet. Beacon of light, champion of Earth, this is the result of your people.. And my mightiest execution of the dark arts. It is named... 


Chapter V: "Heaven Meets Hell"

The snow white walls of The Sanctuary echoed the essence of thought and emotion magnified through the ages. At its alter stood Sun. His presence resonated throughout the corridors of Heaven and gleamed down delightfully upon his beloved Earth. A subtle smile lay posed upon his peaceful face. His awesome physique, caressed by the angelic silks of a gentle winter’s hue. Layered in addition was he by the threads of a beautiful midnight sky’s aura. Gleaming within his divine garb were his glorious wings, composed of radiant light and satin feather. Where Sun stepped path, the glow of his holy aura followed and emanated with such brilliance. He was an unimaginable sight to behold.

As Sun leaned toward the peak of his sky-bound fortress, he nodded slowly with confirmation that the time had come. He sensed that his prayer’s answer had finally arrived at Heaven’s gates. Indeed, there was a new presence within these walls. As Sun turned to face his destiny he remembered in a holy instant all that had surpassed culminating to this moment.

“ I’ve been expecting you… welcome. Tell me, what brings you to Heaven's Sanctuary?”

“ Hmph.. So, you are the infamous Sun..? I have heard tales of your legend for the longest time now. I did not think you actually existed. Ha! Their stories were true… for once, they did not disappoint me.” 

“You have come from Earth then foreign traveler. Tell me of your tale and purpose within these walls.” 

“I have dedicated my entire life to the achievement of my creative prowess, much like you have. I have reveled in my ability to surpass each subsequent level of mastery within my craft. When I had reached the pinnacle of my skills I hungered for more. My wish has been to forever behold an infinite kaleidoscope of evolution. In this quest I scoured the Earth’s four corners for that.. that something. That force which would push my limits and forge me unto a new creation.. even if it meant my own demise. Whether through the magnificence of life’s birth or through its agonizing death, I thirst for that new level. That, oh pretentious one… is what brought me here.”

    “Intriguing. Your story fascinates me as does your desire. You have certainly arrived at the proper destination. In fact, I have sensed your arrival for quite some time now… with the help of a friend. Tell me, traveler... I know that you are of Earth, but I am aware you are of a similar energy to mine. What is it, that you champion? What do you hold as your innermost drive within your deepest realm of being? 

“You know much about me, Sun. I thought I was the one scouting you, here. You’ve done well in your observations. I shall amuse you, if you insist. During my life on Earth I have surpassed many endeavors and struggles within. For so long were my creations admired and made popular, but they were often misunderstood and feared. Nothing disdained me more than the denial of my free will upon the canvas. To hinder one's senses, to minute meaning upon life's experiences.. this to me was the birth of sin upon this planet. Many labels and misjudgments were placed upon my works, but none held a candle to the craft sewn upon their existence. I halted my interest in what others thought of my birth right and strayed on my own path to freedom. I wanted to live in a world truly free to create anything without limit, without fear. Their words and foolish assumptions kept me down much too long. I would yet have my dream of endless growth and total liberation to express what I am. And then… I heard of you. The almighty Guardian of Heaven, Earth’s greatest creator and once prized champion. I heard the witnessed tales of your divine transition to a higher being. If these were true then I too would attempt the same. I wished to engulf my very being into the depths of a never-ending spiral. To enter the twists and chaotic symphonies of true pain and justice. Nay, I would not create a new Heaven. No.. this was your masterpiece. To answer your question, oh mighty Guardian..  yes, you and I are alike.. but I am also what you are not. I am your day's end, I am the shadow behind your luminosity. Sun, behold the eternal emptiness to your infinite light.. for I am Void, 

The Envoy of Hell.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chapter IV: "Colossal Speculation"

Since the dawn of humanity, life has been celebrated in all its miraculous glory. For ages, countless souls came into being and reveled in the magnificence of Earth. One soul in particular remained eternally etched in the hearts of a populous.

Sun, who in his life endeavored to spread a new level of dedication to his people was now their eternal guardian. As Heaven's forefather, he was the architect for the sky-bound palace upon which was made his new home. Sun called it The Sanctuary. There, he watched over the Earth, ensuring all was well.

Sun was Earth’s greatest creator. His art is legendary and is treasured by all who have praised his legacy. It is said that after Sun ascended to his newly formed sanctuary that he longed for something new, a challenge. Indeed, Sun was feeling competitive. His hunger for a new quest never ceased, even upon his exaltation. His spirit remained humble and excited as he yearned for the next level of creation. He had a strong feeling culminating that something was within his encounter. With high hopes and patience, Sun faithfully waited while preparing for what lay ahead.

Meanwhile on Earth, reports had been claimed of a unique sighting. After Sun’s ascension to his Sanctuary, stories of a giant roaming the Earth have stirred up. Bizarre alterations of the land were spotted. Massive resets in the ground, almost like foot steps were noted. Ocean tides became unusually off tempo throughout the day. Forests were ravaged, leaving a decayed path and uncanny mystery as to what caused this. Claw marks beyond the size of any known beast had been slashed on the bark of fallen trees. One person was said to have seen something rise from the far ends of the ocean and take off into the sky. Though he couldn’t get a good glimpse of what it was, he was sure it was of a colossal size.

While the people of Earth remained in speculation, Sun awaited atop his Sanctuary for destiny to knock on Heaven's doors.

Chapter III: "Exalt"

As Sun spoke his last words, he closed his eyes and opened his heart. He felt a warm glow coming from within his core. His heart beat fast. His muscles tightened.

A communication was established through his feeling. A higher understanding was being conveyed through his being. It had then occurred to Sun that the light was answering his call. Sun’s eyes opened with haste. His body felt very warm almost as if light were trying to emanate from within. Skin, bone and blood no longer felt familiar in its nature. It felt unlike anything he could comprehend. What he knew as his physical body had somehow altered dramatically. It was still in tact and appeared the same, but felt beyond its earthly exterior.

It was extraordinary. Once again, Sun felt the light beginning to communicate again. He understood it clearly now. It spoke to Sun,

“Brave wanderer… curious soul... you have called upon me from the realm found within. You have reached what was always inside of you. You have gazed upon me since birth. Unending has been your quest in finding me. Even now you have come to me in gratitude and request. I tell you this, I have always been with you... within you. Within all.. from the highest mountaintop, to the deepest ocean bottom. I am the essence of life itself. I live for you.. and through you. You have come to ask that I grant you eternity with those that you love upon this Earth. Kind heart, your prayer alongside with anything you will ever ask of me I have already granted. All you must do… is… re..member…  you…are… the light.” 

In that holy instant, Sun was endowed with an enormous gift. He was reminded by the very light he had loved since birth that he indeed is that light. In fact, all of life was derived from that light. With this stunning revelation, Sun now knew he could create and experience anything.

Overcome with joy, Sun gathered and focused his newly awakened power and recreated himself. As a being of light he was in a sense, formless. A great will and desire began to burn intensely inside of him. Suddenly, swirls of light were exposed from his back. They formed magnificent wings in which he gloriously spread and took flight.

The newly transformed Sun blazed across the skies, higher and higher. His trail spread a spectrum of light across the lands, symbolizing his many forms of love for all. This luminous rainbow served as Sun’s announcement that he would always be there to watch over Earth.

Sun’s prayer was answered. He was forever one with that which he loved most. He was Champion of Earth and now a symbol of his greatest creation and gift to all…

Sun had ascended to the immortal realm as,

Guardian of Heaven.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chapter II: "The Wish"

Attaining his ultimate masterpiece upon this world, Sun made manifest his seed of Heaven, the highest expression of his love for all of life. He represented the people and reigned as Champion Creator and Guardian of Earth.

Countless people looked up to Sun. They were in awe of his brilliance and abundant joy. He was never seen without a smile on his face. His name indeed matched the source of it, the almighty sun in the sky. His people loved him so much that they called each newborn boy a “son”, in his honor.

After his legacy blossomed upon the soils of the Earth, Sun realized that even he had to set into the night. His life's circle would one day come round to its end. He dreaded the thought of leaving. His people meant too much to him to have them forgotten. He loved everyone with all his heart and found it agonizing to let them go.

One morning, Sun awoke to capture the sunrise. As his gaze caught the beacon of the horizon, he glanced up to the majestic sky and spoke,

“Oh wondrous herald that has blessed my eyes and guided my heart, won’t you hear me now? I thank you for the miracle of life and the witness of so many around me. I am in gratitude for all that was bestowed upon me, such as the hearts I have shared beauty and grace with. I am in awe of all that I have felt, the chapters I have witnessed, the dreams that have come true. I am compelled to ask of you a request. Please.. let me be a part of this forever.. allow me be with the people, the animals, the land, their beautiful culture and ways. Engrave my soul as one with theirs forever. They are a part of me, and I of them. I never wish to let go… I beg you, won’t you hear my call?”

Chapter I: "Sunrise"

Long ago in a time forgotten, Earth prospered and was abundant with joy. There was much celebration of life, but there remained a puzzling question. Man and woman knew they existed, but they did not know why, or how? This mystery enticed a hunger within them for meaning.

Humanity took great pride in creating. Through sheer inspiration they reveled in using imaginative ways to bless the world with unique collaborations.  Music, art, literature, food, clothing, traditions... these were just a few of the endless products bestowed from their will. Their greatest joy above all was to make more life. They did so through the miracle they called love.

One day, a very special boy was born from this love. They named him Sun, for since his birth he would gaze at the skies in awe of its parenting light. He felt an everlasting comfort from it in his heart.

Sun was unique in the eyes of many. He, much like everyone took pleasure in creating many things. Games, stories, melodies, poetry were some of his delights. Above and beyond he was drawn to illustration. Sun would paint and draw without tire. He excelled rapidly at an early age. Many were attached to Sun’s art. He loved sharing it with them. They indulged greatly in return. It was expressed that Sun’s art somehow touched the people in a way nothing had done so before. There was a deep feeling of emotion that compelled Sun's beloved to connect to his works. This connection stemmed from the innermost part of themselves and all of life. It was a great impact upon them.

This established relation to Sun and his art became precious to all sentient life. It healed many who were in pain and could not find a remedy. It allowed them to return to themselves, to be happy again as true beings.

Sun began to see the affect his marvels had spread. He decided to practice more and more, for he believed there existed higher levels of creation. He figured if he could expand his exhibitions on a grand scale they would spread a higher level of love. Sun practiced day and night. Much like his name implied, his intensity grew and his light reached the four corners of the Earth.

As Sun came of age, he was deemed Earth's Championed Creator. This title proved his love for art and his people all throughout. Realizing his vision and dream, he called this prosperous peace what we today know as Heaven.

Conceptual Ad

Sunday, January 30, 2011
160 Water St. Dumbo, Brooklyn

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Character Collage

Heaven No More Character Collage,
Meet all 10 artists competing for the title,
Champion Creator

1. Alex Mercado: Ink Mastermind,
... Envoy of Hell
2. Danny Albert: Deviant of Fine Art
3. Nancy Mendez: Surreal Queen
4. Melissa Harlan: Stylized Warrior
5. Ramon Trif: Landscape Monarch,
Phoenix of Creation
6. Casandra Maniotis: Mistress of Mediums
7. Gemma Fleming: Photo Phantom
8. Irwin Rojas: Visionary of Film,
Herald of Heaven
9. Melissa Vento: Graphic Icon
10. Michael Robayo: Editing Emperor
* Sun: Guardian of Heaven,
Champion Creator

Who will win the $300 Grand Prize and face the elusive Sun at Heaven No More?

Stay Tuned! and check out all the updates at:

Join the event of the year!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fifth Corner of The Earth: SANCTUARY

"Fifth Corner of the Earth: SANCTUARY"
oil landscape on canvas, by Ramon Trif
* to be displayed at Heaven No More
(secretly released statement by Niles Willow published in The I.S.A.)

"... I was contacted by a Professor Ioan Librescu, head of what is know as The Illuminated Society. He took a profound interest in my Colossus sightings and renderings. He invited me to his home to speak to me about all that took place these past couple of weeks. He offered me some coffee, we exchanged words and then he had asked me to paint what I originally saw that historic night. He wanted to see the beast itself. I have to confess something here and now.. it is something that Professor Librescu encouraged me to do. I feel it is the right thing as well. The Four Corners series was rendered from multiple sightings of The Colossus throughout the far regions of this Earth. If you notice, though.. there is something missing in all my pieces.. The Colossus himself. It is obvious in spotting the marks this titan had left behind in all the land masses.. the footsteps, the trees pushed out of the way, molten lava disrupted, the ocean ripped apart.. yet, I did not paint The Colossus in these settings. The reason being was I didn't think the world was ready to see such a celestial being bestow itself upon this reality out of nowhere. It just seemed so sudden. Still... I feel it's my destiny ever since witnessing this divine giant to rightfully portray it just as I, myself saw it that night in New York City. Another thing is, The Four Corners paintings were sightings of The Colossus days before I had witnessed it, it appears. I come to the conclusion that St. Patrick's Church is in fact The Colossus' final destination in its journey for its friend. It graced its steeple with such care and relief.. it appeared as though it was a familiar sanctuary to it. I don't know.. all I know is, this is what I saw in all its glory and truth that night.. I hope to see it again.. it brings me a strange peace.. as if the world is safe when it's around.. Huh. How funny, this world..."

Friday, December 3, 2010


-Michael Robayo, Entry 10
-Director, writer, editor, cinematographer. Born and raised in Bronx, NY. At an early age he was fascinated with cinema. It grew as an obsession while also finding interest in writing. He began writing short stories and in his teens would merge the two and began writing and shooting short films. He became even more interested in the technical side of film making, learning about cinematography and editing. a self taught film maker, Michael strives to tell realistic and fascinating stories while combining genres with both emotional and visual consistency. He also works as a freelance film editor and writer. He is currently in post production on a 20 min sci-fi thriller.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


-Melissa Vento, Entry 09
-I began as a graphic design/fine artist. In high school I started a t-shirt and design company with 2 other graphic designers.We all then moved onto college. I went to the Miami International University of Art & Design also known as Ai Miami. At the university I studied Film and digital production. My concentration was Cinematography and lighting. I was also interested in black and white photography and made a few pinhole cameras. I decided Miami wasn't where it's at, so i packed up my things and moved to NYC. When I moved to New york that's when I started my SFX make-up career.
-Gallery premiere: "Food for Dandello" @ Niagara Bar, NYC
-Site: (a new site for make-up and art in construction)

Heaven No More Comic Chapter III, illustrated/ interpreted by ALEX MERCADO


-Irwin Rojas, Entry 08
-Editor, Cinematographer to Heaven No More Film Adaptation
-Plays the role of "Journey", star to Heaven No More Film Adaptation
-Irwin Rojas is an aspiring young talent in the film genre of artistry. He is a visionary and fresh take on conceptual development and editing. A quality worker when it comes to his product, Irwin will not sacrifice an ounce of potentiality within a finished piece. He has worked on prior projects with Ramon Trif and Alex Mercado, curators to the gallery. Irwin will display his first gallery-exhibited short film at Heaven No More.
-Site: "genrefilms" @ subscribe!
-Previous gallery videos: "Id" for Id Art Gallery, Spring 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


-Gemma Fleming, Entry 07
-Gemma Fleming was born in Naples, Italy. Shortly after graduating from Seattle Central Creative Academy in 2008 with a degree in Commercial Photography, she later relocated to New York. Her repertoire of work has grown to an extensive body of personal and commissioned conceptual portraits, editorials, and videos. Her pieces display an often dark and furtive style, an immersion in the uncertain but clarity in catharsis. Her work has been shown in numerous exhibits and publications, including shows in New York, Dublin, and Seattle and recent editorials in Rock-a-Rolla and Push It Magazine. Among these works her self-portrait pieces received noteworthy attention. The project alone serves not only as development of her technique, but as a chronological timeline of her life. With a background in illustration and music, she often utilizes these mediums as content for many of her works. She also collaborates with creative agency ADV Associates for more extensive commercial and personal projects ranging from video to 3D rendering. She currently lives in Brooklyn.