"Fifth Corner of the Earth: SANCTUARY"
oil landscape on canvas, by Ramon Trif
* to be displayed at Heaven No More
(secretly released statement by Niles Willow published in The I.S.A.)
"... I was contacted by a Professor Ioan Librescu, head of what is know as The Illuminated Society. He took a profound interest in my Colossus sightings and renderings. He invited me to his home to speak to me about all that took place these past couple of weeks. He offered me some coffee, we exchanged words and then he had asked me to paint what I originally saw that historic night. He wanted to see the beast itself. I have to confess something here and now.. it is something that Professor Librescu encouraged me to do. I feel it is the right thing as well. The Four Corners series was rendered from multiple sightings of The Colossus throughout the far regions of this Earth. If you notice, though.. there is something missing in all my pieces.. The Colossus himself. It is obvious in spotting the marks this titan had left behind in all the land masses.. the footsteps, the trees pushed out of the way, molten lava disrupted, the ocean ripped apart.. yet, I did not paint The Colossus in these settings. The reason being was I didn't think the world was ready to see such a celestial being bestow itself upon this reality out of nowhere. It just seemed so sudden. Still... I feel it's my destiny ever since witnessing this divine giant to rightfully portray it just as I, myself saw it that night in New York City. Another thing is, The Four Corners paintings were sightings of The Colossus days before I had witnessed it, it appears. I come to the conclusion that St. Patrick's Church is in fact The Colossus' final destination in its journey for its friend. It graced its steeple with such care and relief.. it appeared as though it was a familiar sanctuary to it. I don't know.. all I know is, this is what I saw in all its glory and truth that night.. I hope to see it again.. it brings me a strange peace.. as if the world is safe when it's around.. Huh. How funny, this world..."
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